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Baughan, A., Tian, G., Shekar, P., Zhang, A., and Hiniker, A. 2024. "A Temporal Model for Supporting Hard Conversations Online Through Design." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW, to appear).

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Kim, J., Wolfe, R., Chordia, I., Davis, K., and Hiniker, A. 2024. "Sharing, Not Showing Off: How BeReal Approaches Authentic Self-Presentation on Social Media Through Its Design." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW, to appear).

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Wolfe, R., Dangol, A., Howe, B., and Hiniker, A. 2024. "Representation Bias of Adolescents in AI: A Bilingual, Bicultural Study." Proceedings of the 2024 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (to appear).

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Wolfe, R., Dangol, A., Hiniker, A., and Howe, W.. 2024. "Dataset Scale and Societal Consistency Mediate Facial Impression Bias in Vision-Language AI." Proceedings of the 2024 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (to appear).

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Wolfe, R., Hiniker, A., and Howe, W. 2024. ML-EAT: A Multilevel Embedding Association Test for Interpretable and Transparent Social Science." Proceedings of the 2024 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (to appear).

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Chordia, I., Kim, J., Liu, Z., Park, H., Garrett, L., Erete, S., Le Dantec, C., Yip, J., and Hiniker, A. 2024. “Tuning into the World: Designing Community Safety Technologies to Reduce Dysfunctional Fear of Crime.” In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’24, to appear).

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Baughan, A., Fu, Y., Izenman, E., Schwamm, S., Alsabeh, D., Powell, N., Hunt, E., Rich, M., Bickham, D., Radesky, J., and Hiniker, A. 2024. “Investigating Attention and Normative Dissociation in Children's Online Social Games.” In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ‘24). Acceptance rate: 29%.

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Landesman, R., Yoon, J., Kim, J., Lopez, D., Magis-Weinberg, L., Hiniker, A., and Davis, K. 2024. “‘I Just Don’t Care Enough To Be Interested’: Teens’ Moment-By-Moment Experiences on Instagram.” In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ‘24). Acceptance rate: 29%.

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Fu, Y., Xuhai, X., Foell, S., and Hiniker, A. 2024. “From Text to Self: Users’ Perception of AIMC Tools on Interpersonal Communication and Self.” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). Acceptance rate: 26%.

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Best paper award (top 1%)


Fu, Y., Zhang, M., Nguyen, L. K., Lin, Y., Michelson, R., Tayebi, T. J., & Hiniker, A. 2023. "Self-Talk with Superhero Zip: Supporting Children’s Socioemotional Learning with Conversational Agents." In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC '23).

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Landesman, R., Radesky, J., & Hiniker, A. 2023. "Let Kids Wonder, Question and Make Mistakes: How the Designers of Children’s Technology Think about Child Well-being." Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC '23).

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Chordia, I., Tran, L., Tayebi, T., Parrish, E., Erete, S., Yip, J, and Hiniker, A. 2023. "Deceptive Design Patterns in Safety Technologies: A Case Study of the Citizen App." Proceedings of the 40th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’23).

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Best paper award (top 1%)

Lukoff K., Lyngs U., Shirokova K., Rao R., Tian L., Zade H., Munson S., and Hiniker A. 2023. "SwitchTube: A Proof-of-Concept System Introducing “Adaptable Commitment Interfaces” as a Tool for Digital Wellbeing." Proceedings of the 40th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’23).

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Best paper honorable mention (top 5%)

Kucirkova, N., & Hiniker, A. (2023). Parents’ ontological beliefs regarding the use of conversational agents at home: resisting the neoliberal discourse. Learning, Media and Technology, 1-16.

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Kim, M.K., Druga, S., Esmaeili, S., Woodward, J., Shaw, A., Jain, A., Langham, J., Hollingshead, K., Lovato, S.B., Beneteau, E. and Ruiz, J., 2022. Examining voice assistants in the context of children’s speech. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (IJCCI), Vol. 34, 100540.

Fu, Y., Michelson, R., Lin, Y., Nguyen, L., Tayebi, T., and Hiniker, A. 2022. "Social Emotional Learning with Conversational Agents: Reviewing Current Designs and Probing Parents’ Ideas for Future Ones." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 6(2), pp. 1-23.

Radesky, J., Hiniker, A., McLaren. C, Akgun E, Schaller A, Weeks HM, Campbell SW, Gearhardt AN, 2022. Prevalence and Characteristics of Manipulative Design in Mobile Applications Used by Children. JAMA Open, 5(6).

Baughan, A., Cross, K., Khasanova, E., and Hiniker, A. 2022. "Shame on Who? Experimentally Reducing Shame During Political Arguments on Twitter." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), pp. 1-18.

Hiniker, A., & Wobbrock, J. O. (2022). Reclaiming attention: Christianity and HCI. Interactions, 29(4), pp. 40-44.

Baughan, A., Zhang, M., Lukoff, K., Rao, R., Schaadhardt, A., and Hiniker, A. 2022. “‘I Don’t Even Remember What I Read’: How Design Influences Dissociation on Social Media.” Proceedings of the 40th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’22), pp. 1-13.

Zhang, M., Lukoff, K., Rao, R., Baughan, A., and Hiniker, A. 2022. "Monitoring Screen Time or Redesigning It? Two Approaches to Supporting Intentional Social Media Use ." Proceedings of the 40th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’22), pp. 1-19.


Dunbar, J.C., Bascom, E., Boone, A., and Hiniker, A., 2021. “Is Someone Listening? Audio Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics.” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(3), pp.1-23.

Dunbar, J.C., Bascom, E., Boone, A., and Hiniker, A., 2021. “Is Someone Listening? Audio Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics.” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(3), pp.1-23.

Radesky, J. and Hiniker, A. 2021. “From Moral Panic to Systemic Change: Making Child-Centered Design the Default.” International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Special Issue in Review Articles in Child-Computer Interaction Research (IJCCI), Vol. 31, 100351.

Radesky, J. and Hiniker, A. 2021. “From Moral Panic to Systemic Change: Making Child-Centered Design the Default.” International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Special Issue in Review Articles in Child-Computer Interaction Research (IJCCI), Vol. 31, 100351.

Michelson, R., DeWitt, A., Nagar, R., Hiniker, A., Yip, J., Munson, S., and Kientz, J. 2021. “Parenting in a Pandemic: Juggling Multiple Roles and Managing Technology Use in Family Life During COVID-19 in the United States.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), pp.1-39.

Michelson, R., DeWitt, A., Nagar, R., Hiniker, A., Yip, J., Munson, S., and Kientz, J. 2021. “Parenting in a Pandemic: Juggling Multiple Roles and Managing Technology Use in Family Life During COVID-19 in the United States.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), pp.1-39.

Hiniker, A., Wang, A., Tran, J., Zhang, M., Radesky, J., Sobel, K., and Hong, S. 2021. “Can Conversational Agents Change the Way Children Talk to People?” Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’21).

Hiniker, A., Wang, A., Tran, J., Zhang, M., Radesky, J., Sobel, K., and Hong, S. 2021. “Can Conversational Agents Change the Way Children Talk to People?” Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’21).

Simko, L., Chin, B., Na, S., Saluja, H., Zhu, T., Kohno, T., Hiniker, A., Yip, J., and Cobb, C. 2021. “Would You Rather: A Focus Group Method for Eliciting and Discussing Formative Design Insights with Children” Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’21).

Simko, L., Chin, B., Na, S., Saluja, H., Zhu, T., Kohno, T., Hiniker, A., Yip, J., and Cobb, C. 2021. “Would You Rather: A Focus Group Method for Eliciting and Discussing Formative Design Insights with Children” Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’21).

Baughan, A., Petelka, J., Yoo., Lo, J., Wang, S., Paramasivam, A., Zhou, A., and Hiniker, A. 2021. "Someone is Wrong on the Internet: Having Hard Conversations in Online Spaces." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), pp.1-22.

Baughan, A., Petelka, J., Yoo., Lo, J., Wang, S., Paramasivam, A., Zhou, A., and Hiniker, A. 2021. "Someone is Wrong on the Internet: Having Hard Conversations in Online Spaces." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), pp.1-22.

Lukoff, K., Lyngs, U., Zade, H., Liao, J., Choi, J., Fan, K., Munson, S., and Hiniker, A. 2021. “How the Design of YouTube Influences User Sense of Agency.” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.

Lukoff, K., Lyngs, U., Zade, H., Liao, J., Choi, J., Fan, K., Munson, S., and Hiniker, A. 2021. “How the Design of YouTube Influences User Sense of Agency.” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.

Kawas, S., Kuhn, N., Sorstokke, K., Bascom, E., Hiniker, A. and Davis, K. 2021. “When Screen Time Isn’t Screen Time: Tensions and Needs Among Tweens and Their Parents During Nature-Based Exploration” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.

Kawas, S., Kuhn, N., Sorstokke, K., Bascom, E., Hiniker, A. and Davis, K. 2021. “When Screen Time Isn’t Screen Time: Tensions and Needs Among Tweens and Their Parents During Nature-Based Exploration” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.

Schadhaart, A., Hiniker, A. and Wobbrock, J.O. 2021. “Understanding Blind Screen Reader Users' Experiences of Digital Artboards.” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.

Schadhaart, A., Hiniker, A. and Wobbrock, J.O. 2021. “Understanding Blind Screen Reader Users' Experiences of Digital Artboards.” Proceedings of the 39th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’21). Acceptance rate: 26%.


Lukoff, K., Lyngs, U., Gueorguieva, S., Dilman, E., Hiniker, A., Munson, S. 2020. “From Ancient Contemplative Practice to the App Store: Designing a Digital Container for Mindfulness." Proceedings of the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '20) pp. 1551-1564. Acceptance rate: 24%.

Kawas, S., Kuhn, N., Tari, M., Hiniker, A., Davis, K. 2020. “‘Otter this World’: Can a Mobile Application Promote Children’s Connectedness to Nature?” Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC '20), pp. 444-457. Acceptance rate: 31%.

Cobb, C., Simko, L., Kohno, T., Hiniker, A. 2020. “User Experiences with Online Status Indicators.” Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’20), pp. 1-12. Acceptance rate: 24%.

Beneteau, E., Boone, A., Wu, X., Kientz, J.A., Yip, J., Hiniker, A. 2020. “Parenting with Alexa: Exploring the Introduction of Smart Speakers on Family Dynamics.” Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’20), pp. 1-13. Acceptance rate: 24%.

Cobb, C., Simko, L., Kohno, T., Hiniker, A. 2020. “A Privacy-Focused Systematic Analysis of Online Status Indicators.” Proceedings on 20th annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PoPETS), 2020.3: 384-403.

Beneteau, E., Guan, Y., Richards, O., Zhang, M., Kientz, J.A., Yip, J., Hiniker, A., 2020. “Assumptions Checked: How Families Learn About and Use the Echo Dot.” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT, formerly the UbiComp conference), 4(1), pp. 1-23.


Chordia, I., Yip, J.C., Hiniker, A. 2019. "Intentional Technology Use." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW (formerly the CSCW conference) 3:78, pp 1-22.

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Sobel, K., Yen, K., Cheng, Y., Chen, Y., Hiniker, A. 2019. “No Touch Pig! Investigating Child-Parent Use of a System for Training Executive Function.” Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’19), pp. 339-351. Acceptance rate: 31%

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Hiniker, A., Froehlich, J., Zhang, M., Beneteau, E., 2019. “Anchored Audio Sampling: A Seamless Method for Exploring Children’s Thoughts and Reactions During Deployment Studies.” Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 8:1-13. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Best paper award (top 1%)

Tran, J., Yang, K., Davis, K., Hiniker, A. 2019. “Modeling the Engagement-Disengagement Cycle of Compulsive Phone Use.” Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 312:1-14. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Beneteau, E., Richards, O., Zhang, M., Kientz, J.A., Yip, J., Hiniker, A. 2019. “Communication Breakdowns Between Families and Alexa.” Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 243:1-13. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Yip, J., Sobel, K., Gao, X., Hishikawa, A., Lim, A., Meng, L., Ofiana, R., Park, J., Hiniker, A. 2019. “Laughing is Scary, but Farting is Cute: A Conceptual Model of Children’s Perspectives of Creepy Technologies.” Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 73:1-15. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Davis, K., Dinhopl, A., Hiniker, A. 2019. “‘Everything’s the Phone’: Understanding the Phone’s Supercharged Role in Parent-Teen Relationships.” Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 227:1-14. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Chen, Y., Li, Z., Rosner, D., Hiniker, A. 2019. "Understanding Parents’ Perspectives on Mealtime Technology." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT, formerly the UbiComp conference), 3(1):5, pp. 1-19.

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Chen, Y., Yip, J., Rosner, D., Hiniker, A. 2019. “Lights, Music, Stamps! Evaluating Mealtime Tangibles for Preschoolers.” Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM conference on tangible, embedded, and embodied interactions (TEI ’19), pp. 127-134. Acceptance rate: 34%.

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Yen, K., Chen, Y., Cheng, Y., Chen, S., Chen, Y., Ni, Y., Hiniker, A. 2018. "Joint Media Engagement between Parents and Preschoolers in the U.S., China, and Taiwan." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW (formerly the CSCW conference). 2:192, pp. 1-19.

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Cheng, Y., Yen, K., Chen, Y., Chen, S., Ni, Y., Hiniker, A. 2018. “Why Doesn’t It Work? Voice-Driven Interfaces and Young Children’s Communication Repair Strategies.” Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’18), pp. 337-348. Acceptance rate: 29%.

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Chen, Y., Baljon, K.L., Tran, B., Rosner, D., Hiniker, A. 2018. “The Stamp Plate and the Kicking Chair: Playful Productivity for Meals in Preschools.” Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’18), pp. 373-380. Acceptance rate: 29%.

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Hiniker, A., Heung, S., Hong, S., and Kientz, J.A. 2018. “Coco’s Videos: An Empirical Investigation of Video-Player Design Features and Children’s Media Use.” Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’18), 254:1-13. Acceptance rate: 25.7%.

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Best paper honorable mention (top 5%)

Hiniker, A., Lee, B., Kientz, J.A., and Radesky, J. 2018. “Let’s Play! Digital and Analog Play Between Preschoolers and Parents.” Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’18), 659:1-13. Acceptance rate: 25.7%.

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Lukoff, K., Yu, C., Kientz, J.A., Hiniker, A. 2018. "Mindless Scrolling and Micro Escapes. Why is Smartphone Use Sometimes so Meaningless?" Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT, formerly the UbiComp conference), 2(1):22, pp. 1-26.

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Boyd, L., Ringland, K., Faucett, H., Hiniker, A., Klein, K., Patel, K., and Hayes, G. “Evaluating an iPad Game to Address Overselectivity in Preliterate AAC Users with Minimal Verbal Behavior.” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’17). Pp. 240-249. Acceptance rate: 22%.

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Best paper nomination (top 7 papers)

Hiniker, A., Lee, B. Sobel, K., and Choe E.K. 2017. “Plan & Play: Supporting Intentional Media Use in Early Childhood.” Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’17). Pp. 85-95. Acceptance rate: 21%.

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Best paper nomination (top 3 papers)

Hiniker, A., Hong, S., Kim, Y., Chen, N., West, J., Aragon, C. 2017. "Toward the operationalization of visual metaphor." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 68(10):2338-2349.

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Hiniker, A., Sobel, K., Lee, B. 2017. “Co-designing with preschoolers using fictional inquiry and comicboarding.” Proceedings of the 35th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’17). Pp. 5767-5772. Acceptance rate: 25%.

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Sobel, K., Bhattacharya, A., Hiniker, A., Lee, J., Kientz, J., Yip, J. 2017. “It wasn’t really about the Pokémon’: understanding families’ experiences with a location-based mobile game.” Proceedings of the 35th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’17). pp. 1483-1496. Acceptance rate: 25%.

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Hiniker, A., Patel, S.N., Kohno, T., Kientz, J.A., 2016. "Why would you do that? Predicting the uses and gratifications behind smartphone-usage behaviors." Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '16). pp. 634-645. Acceptance rate: 26%.

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Hiniker, A., Suh, H., Cao, S., Kientz, J.A. 2016. “Screen time tantrums: how families manage screen media experiences for young children.” Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’16). pp. 648-660. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Best paper honorable mention (top 5%)

Hiniker, A., Hong, S., Kohno, T., Kientz, J.A. 2016. “MyTime: interventions to support intentional smartphone use.” Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’16). pp. 4746-4757. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Hiniker, A., Schoenebeck, S.Y., Kientz, J.A. 2016. “Not at the dinner table: parents’ and children’s perspectives on family technology rules.” Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on computer supported cooperative work (CSCW ’16). pp. 1376-1389. Acceptance rate: 25%.

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Hiniker, A., Sobel, K., Hong, S., Suh, H., Irish, I., Kientz, J.A. 2016. “Hidden symbols: how informal symbolism in digital interfaces disrupts usability for preschoolers.” International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS), 90:53-67.

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Hiniker, A., Rosenberg-Lee, M., Menon, V. 2015. “Contributions of symbolic and non-symbolic number sense to mathematical ability in children with autism spectrum disorders.” Journal of Autism and Development Disorders (JADD), 46(4):1268-1281.

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Hiniker, A., Sobel, K., Hong, S., Suh, H., Irish, I., Kim, D., Kientz, J.A. 2015. “Touchscreen prompts for preschoolers: designing developmentally appropriate techniques for teaching young children to perform gestures.” Proceedings of the 14th international conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’15). pp. 109-118. Acceptance rate: 23%.

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Hiniker, A., Sobel, K., Suh, H., Sung, Y., Lee, C.P., Kientz, J.A. 2015. “Texting while parenting: how adults use mobile phones when caring for children at the playground.” Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’15). pp. 727-736. Acceptance rate: 25%.

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Suh, H., Porter, J.R., Hiniker, A., Kientz, J.A. 2014. "@BabySteps: design and evaluation of a system for using twitter for tracking children's developmental milestones." Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’14). ACM, 2014. pp. 2279-2288. Acceptance rate: 23%.



Hiniker, A., Daniels, J.W., Williamson, H. 2013. "Go go games: therapeutic video games for children with autism spectrum disorders." Proceedings of the 12th international conference on interaction design and children (IDC ’13). pp. 463-466. Acceptance rate: 33%.

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